Elite Race Information
Set your Time Goal.
Finish Time is 12:00Noon on Sunday
The last team to start the race and meet the noon deadline wins.
Start Time, Check Points, and Deadline to Finish
Elite Paddlers choose their own start time.
Paddlers are not subject to check point cutoff times.
The deadline to finish is noon on Sunday
Elite Race Rules
Must be a tandem team to enter Elite Race
Must have previously completed CR100 full 100 mile race or Texas Water Safari
There are no boat categories. Bring your fastest boat.
Divisions are Mens, Womens, and Mixed
Mandatory Equipment List
Cell phone
Coast Guard approved PFD for each person in boat (personal flotation device)
2 Chemical lights, 12 hour type, fixed to bow and stern of boat for night travel (also called glow sticks or cylum)
Rain jacket (your choice, a garbage bag will also be sufficient)
Method of carrying at least 1/2 gallon of fluid per person at all times
1 whistle per boat
First Aid Kit (no specifics)
Minimum of 1 head light or bow light
SPOT Tracker - registered with race director